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You are here: Demand Manager for General Users > Understanding the Administer Patient Pattern Window

Understanding the Administer Patient Pattern Window

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

This window gives you the ability to easily update one or more patient progress patterns from the Patient Pattern Management page. Note that you must have Read Assess to Demand Data to view the Administer Patient Pattern window and Read & Write Access to Demand Data to edit patient data. Schedulers set these Demand permissions for employees in Staff Manager Client.

If you have Read and Write Access to Demand Data, you can perform the following updates for each patient.

You can sort the displayed data by clicking any blue underlined column heading. A column header in bold text indicates that it is the current sort option.

Once you make a change and click Save, Demand Manager processes the change. Until the change is complete, no one can edit the patient's pattern. Demand Manager marks such patients with a green circled arrow . If you open the Administer Patient Pattern window while changes are being processed, you see patients marked with the green circled arrow and all the columns except the patient name and location are blank. Once the changes are complete, Demand Manager updates the window with the latest data.

After Demand Manager finishes making your changes, it marks updated Pattern, Projected Departure, and Projected Discharge information with an m to indicate a manual edit.

  1. You can click blue underlined headings to sort by that column. A heading in bold text means it is the current sort.
  2. The patient's current library pattern; DRG criteria patterns start with D, and custom criteria-based patterns end with C, as in D227C.
  3. The criteria used for the current library pattern
  4. Manual edits are marked with m. Demand Manager can receive manual edits directly from users or indirectly through edits to other solutions interfaced to Demand Manager. You can use either method or both; Demand Manager processes and displays projected discharge dates in the order the solution received them.
  5. This organization turned off the Care Coordinator 2 column so no one can edit it.
  6. The green circled arrow means that data is being processed.

Positioning your pointer over a criterion link displays a description of that criterion in a tooltip.

Other items you should be aware of when saving changes:

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