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You are here: Demand Manager for General Users

7. Demand Manager for General Users

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

Demand Manager extends Staff Manager’s capabilities by providing users with more precise demand management. It measures, predicts, and tracks the demand for patient services that drives how facilities use resources, especially staffing.

Demand Manager determines each patient’s real-time and projected demand for staffing by tracking the patient along a progress pattern. The pattern outlines the optimal care sequence for the best clinical outcomes. The application adjusts staffing requirements automatically as patients’ conditions change and events occur. This ensures that the facility uses the right caregiver resources at each point of the patient’s stay.

This application is available for acute care inpatient (patients assigned to a bed) profiles and locations. It requires a live real-time Registration Import, completed Demand Workload tables, and defined global skills.

Schedulers control access to Demand views with security groups. Using Staff Manager Client, schedulers give employees no access, read-only access, or read and write access to Demand data.

Employees have read access to the Patient Pattern Management page, opened from the Demand menu.

Important: Demand Manager is designed to be used by departments that have processes in place to manage and maintain an accurate census at all times. This typically excludes outpatient areas, including Emergency Departments. Ensure that your organization has a defined process for making sure the census is accurate before implementing (that is, mapping or configuring) Demand Manager for any outpatient departments.

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