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You are here: Assignment Manager for General Users > Understanding Assignment Spill-Over Time

Understanding Assignment Spill-Over Time

There are two types of spill-over time in the Cerner Clairvia solution suite.

This topic reviews Assignment spill-over time.

Assignment spill-over time affects how Assignment Manager displays information in the Available Caregiver tables on the Patient Assign page in the following views: Summary by Caregiver, Summary by Patient, Assign Patients, Assign Devices, Assign Duties, and Assign Relief. Spillover also affects the Available Staff information displayed in Department Assign on the Assign Devices, Assign Department, Summary by Staff, and Summary by Profile view. You set assignment spill-over time on the Shift Category/Partition page. As with scheduling spill-over time, there are two assignment spill-over settings: Spill-Over Front and Spill-Over Back.

Assignment Manager displays assignment information based on the following spill-over time rules:


Caregiver Rebecca Higgins has one assigned patient during her 0700-1900 shift. The 0700-1900 shift partition has 31 minutes of spill-over time set for both the front and back (that is, 31 minutes before and 31 minutes after the shift).

Rebecca punches out 20 minutes past her scheduled shift end. The Time and Attendance interface updates Schedule Editor to an end time of 1920. It also updates Rebecca's caregiver Start and End times to read 0700-1920 in the available Caregiver tables on the following views: Assign Patients, Assign Duties, Assign Relief, and Summary by Caregiver.

However, the end time of the patient assigned to Rebecca is not updated automatically; those start and end times remain 0700-1900. In addition, Rebecca's Hours Available value remains set at 12.0 hours.

Rebecca does not show up on the next shift partition (1900 - 2300) since her punch end did not exceed the 31 minute spill-over back time.

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