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You are here: Configuring the Solution for Administrative Users > Configuring Demand Manager Facility Settings > Configuring Facility Settings: The Utilization Tab

Configuring Facility Settings: The Utilization Tab

The Utilization tab allows you to set the ranges Demand Manager uses to measure percent utilization.

See Configuring Demand Manager Facility Settings for the full list of steps for configuring facility settings.

  1. From the Configure menu, select Demand Manager > Facility Settings. The Facility Settings page opens. The Patient Progress Manager tab is active by default.
  2. If your organization has multiple facilities, there is a Facilities list on the right side of the page title bar. Select a facility from the menu.
  3. Click the Utilization tab to make it active.
  4. Enter a Start value for each of the Utilization ranges, as listed below. Demand Manager uses these ranges to classify data on the Target/Schedule page. Demand Manager sets the Stop ranges automatically based on your Start settings. You cannot change the colors associated with each range.
    1. High Cost: This range is used to show high over-staffing (that is, the number of staff greatly exceeds the demand target). The default Start setting is 0%; the default Stop setting is 85%.
    2. Review (Over): This range is used to show moderate over-staffing (the number of staff is moderately above the demand target). The default Start setting is 85%; the default Stop setting is 95%.
    3. Acceptable: This range is used to show optimum staffing. In this utilization range, the staffing and the demand target are closely aligned. The default Start setting is 95%; the default Stop setting is 105%.
    4. Caution: This range is used to show moderate under-staffing (the demand target is moderately higher than the number of staff). The default Start setting is 105%; the default Stop setting is 120%.
    5. Review (Under): This range is used to show high under-staffing (the demand for care greatly exceeds the number of staff). The default Start setting is 120%; there is no Stop setting.
  5. Select whether to Hide Utilization from Reports and Screens. Select this box if you do not want utilization data displayed in Demand Manager and Assignment Manager reports and views.
  6. Select a value for the Do Not Allow Actual Demand to Exceed State Mandated Ratio check box. If you select this check box, the ratio views of the Target/Schedule page never allow the Demand Target line to exceed the state mandated ratio for the skill. Instead, if demand requires a higher ratio than the state mandated ratio, the demand line aligns to the state mandated ratio and displays a dark red color. When demand drops below the state mandated ratio, the line color returns to bright red. Likewise, if you deselect this check box, Demand Manager allows the Demand Target line to exceed the State Mandated Ratio. You set the State Mandated Ratio on the Target and Budget Data sub-tab of the Demand Settings tab of the Location Settings page.
  7. Click Save to save your changes for your selected facility, or click Save to All Facilities to save these changes to all facilities in your organization.

Demand Manager displays your selected Start and Stop values beside the color codes of the Target/Schedule page Utilization legend.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved the configuration.

How Hide Utilization Affects Demand Manager

How the Hide Utilization option affects Demand Manager depends on the specific function you are using.

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