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You are here: Configuring the Solution for Administrative Users > Configuring Patient Assign > Assigning Caregiver Roles to Profiles

Assigning Caregiver Roles to Profiles

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

Complete the following steps to assign caregiver roles to profiles:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Patient Assign > Caregiver Role Assignment. This opens the Caregiver Role Assignment page. The Global Skill/Role Assignment area lists all the global skills available in a selected profile. The Role area displays all available caregiver roles.
  2. Select a profile from the Profile menu.
  3. Assign roles to skills:
    1. Select a Global Skill. You can select multiple Global Skills.
    2. Select a Role. You can select multiple Roles. Each Global Skill may have one or more assigned Roles.
    3. Click the blue arrow between the two areas to assign your selected Roles to your selected Global Skills. Once you have assigned a role to a global skill, it is displayed under the Global Skill, along with its % Demand value.
  4. Mark one or more Roles as Required to ensure that expected skill and patient coverage needs are met. This setting affects the Status icon that displays in Patient Assignment (Unassigned, Partial, Fully Assigned). A patient is considered fully assigned when a caregiver with the required skill and any one of the required roles for the skill is assigned to the patient for the duration of their stay in the unit during the partition.
    1. Under the Global Skill/Role Assignment area, click Required beside the roles that should be required for the selected global skill. For example, if the global skill is RN and the assigned roles are Direct, Precept, and Orientee, the Direct role and Precept roles could be marked as Required. A patient would be considered fully assigned when all hours for their stay within the partition are covered by an RN with either the Direct or Precept roles and be partially assigned when assigned to a caregiver with an Orientee role.
  5. Select one default Role for each global skill. If your selected facility has CareAware iBus with Device Services enabled, select one default role for each global skill for the primary alert and one default role for each global skill for the secondary alert. iBus with Device Services is required to assign communication devices to personnel. Contact your Client Advocate or Cerner Clairvia Support Services for more information on how to upgrade Assignment Manager to manage and assign communication devices.
    1. Mark a role as default by selecting Default. When employees with this skill are assigned to a patient with this alert type (optional), they are automatically assigned to the default role. Once you assign an employee, you can change the role, if necessary.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Removing Caregiver Roles from Skills

  1. Click the red x in the row to remove the role assignment from the select skill. This removes the role from the Role menu in Patient Assign. Previous assignments made using the role are saved for reporting purposes.
  2. Click Save to save the changes.

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